Update 4/30/23 Big update: speed and quality improvements as well as a couple new features, including added support for color inputs as well as an option to control distance with an input. Check the updated images for new features
Update 4/19/19: Resolution no longer locked at 4k. Also added precision/ speed slider! Also new is the release of the sbs file, so you can peak inside the node and look at how I did it.
sbs here: https://gumroad.com/l/WFkqP - $20
sbsar here: https://gum.co/iDnqY - $10
Original: While making a leaf pattern in Substance I was frustrated with my options for creating nicely spaced and organic looking cells so decided to spend some time on a poisson node which evenly distributes points and avoids overlapping. I've added a bunch of controls for getting lots of variation, including texture inputs for custom shapes, distribution and scale. The poisson node outputs cells and plates. It also spits out a distribution mask and points so you can daisy-chain multiple nodes together. There are some example images below showing some of the results that can be achieved.